Thursday, February 11, 2010

a funny v day gift if u have the right person

one of my teenage sons friends has a reputation of smoking something not so good for him. Now seriously he is a great kid and he doesn't smoke pot, but for whatever reason his friends tease him about it constantly. so i made this for my sons friend as a joke. I took a fry box template put some loose candy in the bottom for weight then wrapped smarties in white paper to make it look like a cigarette. LOL...the box says it all. i didn't want to offend anyone so i didn't post this idea at my other scrapping sites.


  1. Now that's just too funny! When I was young (I'm talkin' 7 or 8 years old) my family nicknamed me "Sarajuana" because I apparently acted like I was always stoned. I didn't really understand until I got to college! lol!!!

  2. OMG! That is too funny Angi! I love it! I know a few people that would get a kick out of that!
